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After many battles, our warriors also deserve to rest. Even retired, they conquer a special place in our history.

Retired Robots


Retired Robots







   RioBotz Hockey Team

   Pé de Boi and+

   Boi da Cara Preta and+


   Nervoso e Chewbacca

   Mini Touro+


Active Robots



lacraia robot retired robot combat

Category: Combat

Type: Overhead Thwack

Weight: 120lb (54 kg)
Year of creation: 2003


It was the first RioBotz robot that fought. It stays now bolted to the ceiling of our lab.

Category: Combat

Type: Overhead Thwack

Weight: 120lb (54 kg)
Year of creation: 2004


One of the fastest robots in RioBotz until today. The tip of its weapon was made of S1 steel and its shape reminded a lot the head of Egyptian God Anubis.


anubis retired robot combat
ciclone robot retired

Category: Combat

Type: Spinning Bar

Weight: 120lb (54 kg)
Year of creation: 2004


It was basically a motor surrounded by a robot. Its massive motor occupied more than 50% of its internal structure. It was the Brazilian champion in 2004 and 2005, the last one was held on an ice arena.




Category: Combat

Type: Spinning Bar

Weight: 120lb (54 kg)
Year of creation: 2005


A newer version of Ciclone. It had a thick Titanium armor and had an integrated wedge, that guided the opponent to its high speed spinning bar.

titan robot combat retired


tourinho combat robot retired

Category: Combat

Type: Drumbot

Weight: 12lb (5,4 kg)
Year of creation: 2006


Our hobbyweight built for Winter Challenge 2006. It was made of aluminum and titanium. Its drum would spin at 11,000 rpm.



Category: Combat

Type: Wedge

Weight: 12lb (5,4 kg)
Year of creation: 2006


Our second hobbyweight build for Winter Challenge 2006.It was built in one week and had a titanium wedge.

puminha robot retired combat
maloney combat robot riobotz

Category: Combat

Type: Wedge

Weight: 120lb (54 kg)
Year of creation: 2010


It battled side to side with Touro. It had a square shape and a wedge in front of it. It was very fast due to its 4 motors.


Time de Hockey RioBotz

riobotz hockey team robot combat

Category: Hockey

Weight: 3x12lb (3x5,4 kg)
Year of creation: 2008


Hockey competitions involve 3 robots per team. They need to get the puck and score a goal in the opponent's field.

Pé de Boi and Pé de Boi+

Category: Sumo

Weight: 6,6lb (3 kg)
Year of creation: 2008


The first versions for sumo competitions. They could be radio controlled or autonomous. To find its opponent, it used ultrasound sensors and tracks on its drive system.

minotaur battlebots robot combat riobotz drumbot

 Nervoso and Chewbacca

minotaur battlebots robot combat riobotz drumbot

Category: Sumo

Weight: 2,2lb (1 kg)
Year of creation: 2011


Our Lego robots made for sumo

Boi da Cara Preta and Boi da Cara Preta+

minotaur battlebots robot combat riobotz drumbot

Category: Sumo

Weight: 6,6lb (3 kg)
Year of creation: 2009


They’re brothers of Pé de Boi and Pé de Boi +. They use the same sensors.

Mini Touro+

Mini Touro+

Category: Autonomous Combat

Weight: 1lb (0,454 kg)
Year of creation: 2009


An autonomous version of our first bettleweight.

minotaur battlebots robot combat riobotz drumbot

Mini Snail

Mini Touro.jpg

Category: Beetleweight

Weight: 3lb (1,36kg)
Year of creation: 2006


Our beetleweight Touro

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